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From Chronicles of Civitas

To whomsoever may be reading this Chronicle:

My name is Thalan-Diir Nuva, and I am the Chief Chronicler of the Great library of Civitas. For almost nine millennia it has been my duty to record and collate the collective knowledge of all of the races in our galactic community - the Civitas Concordance - as well as that of the races who have not officially joined, in order to preserve this knowledge in the Archives.

As part of my duties, I oversee the creation of Chronicles; compact artifacts encoded with information, pulled from a range of records in the Archives. Chronicles are crafted in such a way that the information within appears in the native tongue of whoever is accessing it, allowing anyone to access the information stored within.

This particular Chronicle is one of a series created out of desperation. Long ago, while many of our races were still developing early space travel, they came under attack by an overwhelming force; the Ny’Zari. While each attack was centred only on a single location, perhaps a colony or a larger city on a homeworld, they almost invariably resulted in large-scale devastation. By the time reinforcements arrived, they were often too late to do anything but search for and aid the few survivors.

In recent years, the Ny’Zari have again begun attacking populated areas across the galaxy. While these attacks were sparse at first, if they continue at their current pace then there is little hope that our civilisation will survive. Although the Civitas Concordance Navy and the Sentinels are working together to prevent such an outcome, the Ny'Zari are a relentless, overwhelming foe.

I created these Chronicles so that if the CCN and the Sentinels fail, a record of the races in our galaxy both within and without the Civitas Concordance will persevere. Perhaps if other civilisations arise to take our place and find these Chronicles in the future, they can be prepared for what we were not.

This Chronicle contains several entries:

  • Races; knowledge of each of the cultures that make up the Civitas Concordance, as well as one or two outliers.
  • Locations; places throughout the galaxy, with either key strategic value or other form of importance.
  • Languages; commonly-spoken languages from across the galaxy.
  • Creatures; a wide variety of wildlife that inhabits the galaxy.
  • Organisations; groups not necessarily linked to any government, which have the potential to have a major impact on the lives of everyday citizens of our Civitas Concordance.
  • Notable Figures; individuals who have had played a key part in galactic events. Many, but not all, of these individuals will be Sentinels; such is the nature of their work, that where they go they leave a mark on the galaxy.
  • Important Scientific Advancements; scientific breakthroughs that have impacted day-to-day life in our galaxy.
  • Starships; types of commonly used starships, and the history of several well-known examples.

Several copies have been made of each of these Chronicles; in the event that some are compromised, others will persevere. Our civilization may be destroyed and our races all but wiped out, but should there be survivors they will not be left without our wisdom and guidance.

~~~~Thalan-Diir Nuva, Chief Chronicler of the Great Library of Civitas 

Contents of the Chronicles





Independent Groups

Notable Figures

Important Scientific Advancements


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